mandag 10. juni 2013

"Kladdehæftet" af Irmelin Prehn

One of my old friends Irmelin Prehn, is a writer and she debuted with the mini-novel 
”Dusk-Fredløs” earlier this year. It´s been a while since we last spoke, and I was curious to 
find out what she was writing about.
She sent me one of her poems, ”Kladdehæftet” . And what a poem it is.


Så ser det mere rigtigt ud
Siger Dansklæreren
Så ligner det et digt
Men det er drengene der har Ordet
De er så undertrykte når ikke de kommer til udtryk
Så ser det mere rigtigt ud det er Så synd for dem
Så ligner det et digt men det er bare en pæn pige der har skrevet
skråskrift i et kladdehæfte og det er synd for drengene at de er
drenge og synd for pigerne at de er piger
Dumme piger og Pæne drenge der hiver i hestehaler og siger
Hyp Hyp
Og Pigerne
Følger drengene til dressurridning
Med helt rene negle

So I wanted to make an illustration out of it. This beautiful text, translates into notebook, and as I see it, it is about the equality between boys and girls. I’m not much of an analyst, but I love the sore undertone to this poem, with a naive and innocent approach. The mix of soft and harsh and the confusion between how to be right and wrong. 

The more I read it, the more I like it.. and this is what came out of it..  

I really loved making this illustration. It was inspiring to work with Irmelines words and thoughts, and challenging to add something of my own to it, and trying to keep the essence of the poem.

If you want to learn more about Irmelin, or read some of her beautiful work, you can visit her blog ~

* Poster competition *

In Sønderborg there is a big tradition every summer called tilting or in Danish, Ringridning. It’s a competition where the competitors are riding towards an ever-decreasing ring with a lance. This year it’s their 125th anniversary and I joined the poster competition.

Haven’t drawn horses since I was a little girl, and I had so much fun with it. My thoughts were to show that this is a big feast for this area, and it is not just about the competition, but also abet the town and the people celebrating Sønderborgs history and the traditions in Jutland.

I didn’t win the competition - Jørgen Terp did :) But I really like his simple design. And the colours are good for the anniversary. He is a graphic designer, and you can read more about his poster here...