onsdag 24. juli 2013


Start july, I teached at this years Drawing Camp 2013 at Billedskolen Horsens. The kids there are so dedicated and insanly skilled - and it is so much fun teaching them. The theme this year was "From Russia with love" and at my workshop the kids experimented with materials, and designed Babushka dolls..

The two artist from Russia was Ivan Gerts & Zhenya Isaeva. They were super friendly made some really cool things with the kids.. The drawing is made by Zhenya..


lørdag 20. juli 2013

Into the wilderness ..

There are so many things happening in the garden and in the window.. The cucumber is climbing, the radishes is big enough to eat, the basil is growing like crazy! 

I love having my home filled woth green plants. 
Outside the kitchen garden hasn´t been as succesful as I hade hoped - but I think its normal for a new ground and earth. I am hoping that next season will be better.. In the meantime I just need to be patient :) I´ve tastet the first strawberry, and I am looking forward to tasting the beans and peas. 

 For my birthday I was given this beautiful, yellow rose from Cille & Rune.. I love it! 
Hello-Yellow <3

New lamps at the office..

onsdag 17. juli 2013

Making mascots for Nydamskolen ..

I had the wildest teaching assignment in the end of june.. During 3 hours I was to make 8 mascots, together with no less then 209 kids, from 6-10 years old. They we´re divided into groups and given a part of the mascot that was their to make. The rules we´re simple. Each mascot was given a color code, which the kids needed to follow. And they had to use paint. 


Eventhough it was a little chaotic at times - Iam really pleased with the result. The youngest really impressed me, by working very focused and getting the task right away. And also I think we should be very grateful for our teachers, because they are doing such an amazing job. After spending a whol day with kids on Nydam skolen I sleept like a baby!