tirsdag 30. april 2013

og vinderen er ....

Kæmpe tillykke Snullemor!! 

Og mange tak til alle i andre som tog jer tid til at kigge på min blog - 
Det sætter jeg enormt stor pris på :)

Ha nu en forrygende maj og smil i solen ! 


torsdag 25. april 2013

onsdag 17. april 2013


Finally the spring came ! I have been waiting and waiting :) So many exciting things are happening outside, and also in the office.  

I started this tiny rockery, and I hope to expand it little by little.. have to be a littly sneaky, so that the mister dont get suspicious ;) 

Here you can see our garden -- on this side of the bikes, we are gonna make our vegetable garden! My tomatoeplants are growing like beasts inside, and I hope they will do just as well outside..

I have been running faster, and longer than ever before, and I love it! But besides a big smile on my face it has also resulted in four big holes in my beautiful running shoes! I guess I will have to part with them soon.. But they have been soo good to me :) 
And remember you can still win one of my posters here

fredag 12. april 2013


I am making this mixed post, because there has been so many things lately.. This first one is a qoute that made my day.. Go big :)

Last weekend we were at the beach. It was sunny and I couldnt resist writing a little hello... 

Yesterday I was such a housefrau ! I made homemade outmeal cookies - not healthy 
despite the ingredient there.. but Yummy! 
  And then I made a Zuccinin lasagne .. Healthy - and OOH-- ´goood! You can find the recipe here   

I found some illustrations made by Carl Larsson (top) and Mary Cassatt, that I really like. 
I remember Larsson from growing up - I had childrens books illustrated by him, 
and it brings back  good memories.  
Cassatt was an American painter, who spent alot of time in Paris. I really love their yellow colour palette, and the old school drawing


mandag 8. april 2013

. . . . . . . . . . . . .

 It´s time for a little GIVE AWAY ..
All you have to do to win the A4 poster is to make a little comment on this post!
I would off course be extra super happy if you share this with your friends  :) 

And if you can´t wait to see if you are the winner, you can purchase this poster and more here.
 The winner will be announced April 30


torsdag 4. april 2013

... and finally the sun came

 I started easter with a new knitting project... 
It´s posing next to my beautiful pillow, which my mother-in-almost-law made for me..

First day of our easter holiday -  
I had imagined sitting outside with a cold beer, and enjoying the sun. 
But it was snowing heavily - and it was far from the spring weather we are used to here.. 
So we decided to plant seeds and repot some of our plants- in protest against the everlasting winter! 

We planted 3 types of tomatoes, 2 different chili plants, jalapeno and some flowers..
 Later I will plant some cucumber, beans, peas and strawberries.. 
just needs to get a little warmer first.

 We spent our holiday in Christiansfeld - and when we got home again -  guess what was waiting in the mail for me..
.... The NASTY magazine!!! 

Doubble page of lovely girls on thick, nice glossy paper.. 
I truly love making magazine illustrations.
